Once upon a time, in the late 1980s, there was a push for equal rights and “awareness” for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB) people. By the 1990s, a “T” was added for Transgender (LGBT). Over the decades, the acronym expanded like a government budget, adding Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Pansexual, Two-Spirit, and Asexual (LGBTQQIP2A). Did I miss any? Of course. So, to save everyone the trouble of updating it every few years, a plus sign was tacked on (LGBTQQIP2A+). Hopefully, that should cover it.

From Awareness to Tolerance to Acceptance to Celebration
The LGBTQQIP2A+ movement has challenged the heterosexual patriarchy; the system they hold responsible for the once pervasive cultural values that deemed these behaviors unusual or immoral. The movement has been so successful that “awareness” is about as prevalent as anything can be in our society. So successful that our children are confronted with this hypersexual LGBTQQIP2A+ awareness and normalization “education” before they hit puberty. This cultural shift and dilution of moral standards represents the cultural reparations this movement has extracted from the heterosexual patriarchy.
The LGBTQQIP2A+ movement has progressed well beyond a push for equal rights and awareness. They have progressed through a phase of encouraging tolerance of the behaviors that define these groups, and settled on demanding mandatory celebration of these formerly alternative lifestyles. The cultural shift has been so profound that anyone refusing to join in the revelry is branded a bigot. Fly the flag or be shunned. Consider that for a time, U.S. government buildings around the world flew the rainbow banner just below the American flag, until President Trump put a stop to it. It seemed that we might have been on track to hoist the pride flag above the Stars and Stripes, had Biden or Harris retained control of the executive branch.
Injustice of the Lesbiarchy
As with all revolutions, new power structures emerge. Society is now divided into those who raise the flag—either eagerly or under quiet duress—and those who refuse. Amongst the sincere believers and coerced followers, the LGBTQQIP2A+ celebration camp has unwittingly developed their own hierarchy, which is evident in the ridiculously long acronym. If we are going to use such a long acronym and still need to add a plus at the end, why not bring the plus in earlier. So where will we draw the line: LGB+, LGBT+, LGBTQ+,… Wherever we place it, some groups are going to be disenfranchised and lose their place in the acronym and be relegated to sharing the +.
Who gets first billing in the acronym? Why do lesbians hold the prestigious front spot? Is it some residual nod to patriarchical chivalry? No, this movement is a rebellion against the cis-patriarchy. Clearly, this is the result of systemic Lesbiarchy that pervades the movement.
Reparations to Remedy Injustice
Since cultural reparations have already been extracted from heteronormative society, it seems fair to now demand reparations from the privileged groups within the movement itself. Perhaps the acronym should be rearranged in the name of justice. Why not flip it to +A2PIQQTBGL? Those with Lesbian-privilege can move to the back of the line. Or should we forgive past injustices of the Lesbiarchy and focus on establishing equity between all of these factions? We could change the acronym to simply “+”. But that might exclude persons that identify as minus (if it is not an identity yet, I am sure it will become one).
Instead, to ensure complete equity within the movement, I propose all of the letters will share first billing; the letters should be stacked on top of each other. While some might argue that the result is an unreadable jumble, supporters will view this as a wonderfully complicated symbol representing the movement formerly known as LGBTQQIP2A+. Unlike the artist formerly known as Prince, it will not be sufficient to continually refer to the former acronym. Speaking all the letters at once seems most equitable. While pronunciation may be a nightmare, for equity’s sake it will be worth it. I have included a link to the proper pronunciation of the new acronym, but if you struggle with it, a well-place cough should suffice.

Standing Against Profane Authoritarianism
The issue at hand isn’t about personal beliefs or private behaviors; it’s about the forced reordering of social norms and the suppression of dissent. I think the behaviors that define the “cough” movement are immoral and I have a sincere conviction that celebrating those behaviors is wrong. I did not come up with that on my own. I subscribe to a moral framework that was designed by my Creator for the immediate and eternal benefit of mankind. I also love freedom, and all should be free to disagree with my sincerely held conviction. If we are going to live together in a free society, I should be free to live out and share my belief.
Likewise those that celebrate the ”cough” movement should be free to live and share their beliefs, but not through depraved perversions designed to erode and corrupt the moral foundations of western society. Children should be protected from the sexual abuse including the perverse and hypersexual foundations of the “cough” movement. Everyone should be free to raise their children without embracing influences that contradict their moral and spiritual teaching and without coercion from activist-driven policies in public schools and institutions. If the modern “cough” movement truly championed diversity, then it would tolerate diversity of thought. But it is not a movement for equalit; it is a profane form of ideological authoritarianism draped in a rainbow flag.
Be sure to check out other articles on Dr. Mack’s Commentary Shack:
The Imposter Ideology: Fabrication of Sex and Self – Dr. Mack’s Commentary Shack
Censorship by the Church of Atheism Turns on It’s Own – Dr. Mack’s Commentary Shack
Fauci Exploits Scientific Platform to Advance Political Bias – Dr. Mack’s Commentary Shack
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